Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Playing Ketchup

Alrighty. Well, I have returned slowly to the land of living. I've been sick since wed of last week and was bed ridden most of the week and spent my weekend moving massive quantities of dirt with a broom. Fun stuff, plus that did wonders for my sickness. But I am finally back in operation but I have alot of blogging to catch up on so bear with me, it's going to be a long post. (it'll probably be tl;dr)

First off, I found a cool little device which you may or may not have seen. I'll let the link do most of the talking, but in a nutshell its a web server in a thumb drive. It's plug and play from what I can tell and you can have it serving content in >2 minutes. Pretty nifty idea if nothing else.

If you haven't heard, they have a new model for the video game character Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider series. For the new game release Alison Carroll will be accepting the role and has released an accompanying photo set. (click the photo for the rest of the set)

Some of those photos are showing a little bit too much blindly white crotch skin (and I hope she's aware of just how much that's going to suck to look at). But thankfully there's such a thing as post production.

Hopefully her hotness won't detract from the game quality. . . er ... wait... never mind. I hope it does. I'm assuming they are going to continue to make it pants-shittingly frightening to play this game, just as they did for the others. But maybe this time, with the advent of the next-gen systems, that it'll offer me a little bit of time to react to the tiger coming out of nowhere because I was too busy ogling pixels.

I found an awesome video on YouTube the other day. It's a re-cut movie trailer of Willy Wonka into a horror/drug culture movie. I won't ruin it much more than that, but rest assured it's worth watching and very well done. Video

Orson Scott Card, author of the Ender's Game and Homecoming series' has declared war on the gays and is asking you to enact your right of revolution against the government to prevent gay marriage from being legalized. Orson Scott Card Wants YOU (To Rise Up Against The Gay Menace).

Why are they called apartments when they are stuck together? (just wondering)

I don't know about you, but that's pretty fucking terrifying.

Um. Well I guess that pretty much catches me up for the last few days as far as things on the internet go.

Here's your music video for today. Alex DePue plays Owner of a Lonely Heart and MJ's Smooth Criminal on a violin. Video

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