Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Playing Ketchup

Alrighty. Well, I have returned slowly to the land of living. I've been sick since wed of last week and was bed ridden most of the week and spent my weekend moving massive quantities of dirt with a broom. Fun stuff, plus that did wonders for my sickness. But I am finally back in operation but I have alot of blogging to catch up on so bear with me, it's going to be a long post. (it'll probably be tl;dr)

First off, I found a cool little device which you may or may not have seen. I'll let the link do most of the talking, but in a nutshell its a web server in a thumb drive. It's plug and play from what I can tell and you can have it serving content in >2 minutes. Pretty nifty idea if nothing else.

If you haven't heard, they have a new model for the video game character Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider series. For the new game release Alison Carroll will be accepting the role and has released an accompanying photo set. (click the photo for the rest of the set)

Some of those photos are showing a little bit too much blindly white crotch skin (and I hope she's aware of just how much that's going to suck to look at). But thankfully there's such a thing as post production.

Hopefully her hotness won't detract from the game quality. . . er ... wait... never mind. I hope it does. I'm assuming they are going to continue to make it pants-shittingly frightening to play this game, just as they did for the others. But maybe this time, with the advent of the next-gen systems, that it'll offer me a little bit of time to react to the tiger coming out of nowhere because I was too busy ogling pixels.

I found an awesome video on YouTube the other day. It's a re-cut movie trailer of Willy Wonka into a horror/drug culture movie. I won't ruin it much more than that, but rest assured it's worth watching and very well done. Video

Orson Scott Card, author of the Ender's Game and Homecoming series' has declared war on the gays and is asking you to enact your right of revolution against the government to prevent gay marriage from being legalized. Orson Scott Card Wants YOU (To Rise Up Against The Gay Menace).

Why are they called apartments when they are stuck together? (just wondering)

I don't know about you, but that's pretty fucking terrifying.

Um. Well I guess that pretty much catches me up for the last few days as far as things on the internet go.

Here's your music video for today. Alex DePue plays Owner of a Lonely Heart and MJ's Smooth Criminal on a violin. Video

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I'm so sick (no not the Flyleaf song)

Well, i'm feeling pretty shitty but i'm at work anyway. Maybe if i'm lucky I can use this to my advantage and get the stupid clients sick. 0.o

Again, I don't have much to write about. I kinda wanted to talk about Obama (I wonder if his Wiki picture is the same as his Facebook) today but I don't really have the energy to write everything. So i'll just sum up by saying that I can't help but feel a little suspicious about the whole thing. I mean look at it, our president now is basically the biggest pawn in history. If there's ever been a puppet president, it's him now, I mean come on, he doesn't even take HIMSELF seriously. And then there's this election, we have one of the most promising and charasimatic potential leaders (probably ever) AND he's black. But then look who he's running against, McCain or something, I don't really know, he's pretty old, lame and boring (in fact, he'd be the oldest president at 73 years). And yet he's running against someone that brings so much hope and potential to not only the nation but to the millions of people living in it. The point being is, I'm somewhat worried that this is all just a hoax and that inaguration day is going to roll around and Bush is going to appear on every TV screen in America and go "Just kidding! Heh, i'm too busy trying to freedomize some countries from those sand people to give up my office right now." And then he sends out the tanks and helicopters and, TAH DAH! Totalitarianism -> Dictatorship. YaY! I guess we'll see what happens.

Here's power rangers. The song was written by Buckethead. Listen to how metal this TV show theme used to be. I grew up with this. Nice

Buckethead - Power Rangers

Monday, August 04, 2008

If someone says "Case of the Mondays" one more time. . .

Well not much is going on today. Most of the people in my office are gone, probably because they are more lazy than I am. Which is cool, because I like to have bosses who are += my.laziness.

I may have secured yet another job to do. A professor on my campus is looking for someone to build him 21 spectral photometers and I'm the most qualified for the job. (go figure) Details to come!

Anyway, like I said, not much going on. I haven't found anything quite so blog worthy (well at least viral Internet stuff) but in other personal news I have just signed papers and am the proud renter of 2109 Lester. I am living with my band mates and a mutual friend. On a recent trip to Georgia with Jak (my bassist), we found an unlabeled CD in my case of which I could not determine origin. So we pop it in the CD player and start to listen to it, we find that is a CD of the most metal of metal. No song labels or anything, but just 15 tracks of pure metal riffs and the most mind meltingly awesome solo ever. So for the last three weeks or so we've been listening to this CD wherever we go and using it as our metal inspiration for our band. Browsing the Internet today revealed to me the identity of the songs and confirmed our suspicions that most of the songs on the CD was Megadeth Rust in Piece. Tornado of Souls is a song with one of the most face melting, technically skilled guitar solos that I've ever heard. Marty Friedman is a god amongst shredders everywhere. Anyway, If you couldn't figure it out already, my musical contribution to you today is Tornado of Souls. The solo starts at 3:11 if you don't want to listen to the rest of it. (it's OK, I'll understand)

Tornado of Souls - Megadeth (Marty Friedman solo)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cool Stuff

So I guess today I would like to talk about Cuil (pronounced, "cool"), a new web search engine launched earlier this week. Many people are calling it the Google-killer, but as of yet, I'm barely impressed. Yes, of course they are a brand spanking new organization and Google has years ahead of them, so Cuil is going to have to get their shit together and really start cranking out some new and innovative features. But apparenently working there is >= working at Google as this Slashdot article implies. How I wish that my job would involve me sitting around like Hedonism-bot, being fed grapes by scantily-clad network technicians, but we can't all live in the fantasy world and I wonder how long it'll be before Cuil realizes this too. I'm open to what other people have to say but I'm pretty confident that if they want to play in the big boy leagues with Google, then not only are they going to need some really shiny new features but also add the ability to search their own site. (ouch)

For the last few days I've been house sitting for my mom, well this morning I got up late because my phone died and my alarm didn't go off, so I got to be awoken by my dog licking my face. And it should be known that for whatever reason, every single clock in the house has a different time and none of them seemed to be right. So as I'm rushing to pack up and get ready for work, I frantically get my car keys and go outside only to discover that the dome light is on. Well sure enough my car is dead, but being stubborn like I am, I just keep turning the key, trying to get the alternator to turn over, and sure enough with the right amount of patience and key clicking it started. So I pull out of the driveway and begin my journey back to my house so I can finish getting ready for work, but of course this can't be made easy so the world decides to stick a HUGE tractor thing in front of me with a top speed slower than the shuttle crawler, I get to follow that for 30 minutes. Well getting to my house and hot swapping the phone batteries only to realize that I don't have to be at work for another 35 minutes. Awesome morning. And isn't it hilarious the way that everything was so planned to make it that way? I think it was.

Well it's almost the end of the day so I guess I'll go ahead and post this. I didn't get to do much searching around on the Internet because I had a lot of stuff to do at work today. I guess this morning should have been some indication of the rest of my day. Oh yeah, and I don't work on Fridays so I probably won't be posting either. So see you guys Monday.

Mattrach - New Canon Rock (Most impressive thing you'll see today)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Introduction and all the finagiling

Well, first things first I suppose. My name is Brandon Wise and I'm a 19 year old student currently living in Las Cruces, NM. I've been contemplating a blog for several years now (I actually had one for a while on MySpace but I have since deleted the account) and now can not seem to avoid having one. I have the incessant need (for some reason) to share things with the Internet world about the goings on of my life and things that please/upset me, I don't know why I just do.

I don't really know which direction this blog'll (someone should use that word for a blog focused search engine, or a parody of the board game of similar name) take, it'll probably just end up being a place that I can post all the crazy shit that I find on the Internet and a place to rant and rave about government/work/school.

Also it should be said that I'm a self-proclaimed super nerd (that being a nerd in a group of nerds), because of this it is almost impossible for me to secure any employment other than that of a technical decree. I work in the Information and Communications Technology department at my university as a PC tech. And just because my job title says "PC" does not imply that I work exclusively with PC's, no no no, in fact it's much more than that. I get fun phone calls all day long about "Yeah, so my printer isn't printing, come fix it". The following usually occurs.
  • Me: "Well sir, I would like to ask you a few diagnostic questions before I go out there and maybe you can avoid the charge for this ticket"
  • Them: (says nothing)
  • Me: "Ok, well first off, i'd just like to make sure the printer is properly plugged in and that you are in fact trying to print to the right printer. Can you verify that all the cables are plugged in?"
  • Them: "Yeah. I'm not an idiot."
  • (Phone call continues and something is apparently "genuinly" wrong with it so I saddle up and make my way out to the office)
  • Me: "Sir, I think i've found your problem. . . . this is a scanner"
Yeah, and that's pretty much my job. My time not spent doing this will more than likely be spent making posts on here.

So now that all the introductory crap is out of the way, I can talk about the thing that made me decide to get off my ass and start this blog today in the first place. Robocop. Yeah, that's right, the lean, mean, metal ass-kicking machine is back! And this time he's even shinier. Darren Aronofsky is slated to be the guy in charge of this whole new project, and if this is anywhere as good as his previous films it's sure to get my Seel-of-Aprooval. Darren is the mastermind behind the movies π, Requiem for a Dream and The Fountain. All of which are amazing works, not just because of the entertainment value but because they make you step back from reality for a moment and go, "wow, I'm alive and this is all happening " and in today's modern society people need a catalyst to help them to look at their lives from a different point of view, and if more people were to do so, we'd be a lot less likely to be causing as many problems that we do now.

I'm sure in my posts on here (hopefully they all won't be as long as this) will mention several times how I think music, movies, art in general can be a focal point for human communication in a media where translation is something not concrete, but open to interpretation, thus becoming a truly personal relationship between author and audience.

Uh. . . I'm tired for today. Plus it's almost time to go home. YAY!

Oh wait, BONUS. - "Other future projects that Aronofsky has been linked to include the Biblical story of Noah's Ark, in which the title character would be portrayed as an alcoholic" - Wikipedia

I need a catch-line to end my blogs with, you know, like news anchors do, but more catchy. Maybe I'll end it with a good song to leave you with.
BucketHead - Nottingham Lace